Mostly cloudy with chance of showers across PEI. Possible flurries overnight tonight.

Wednesday, April 24th 7:15am… A couple of features on the charts this morning will give cloud and showers/flurries to PEI over the next 24 hours or so. Firstly, a low pressure system approaching from the south is expected to pass by east of Cape Breton this evening. This system may spread some rain showers across eastern Kings county of PEI beginning near noon today, The second system is a trough of low pressure accompanied by a cold front which is approaching from the west. Rain from this system is already falling across northwestern NB and is expected to spread east ward into PEI later this evening. Temperatures will fall behind the front changing the rain over to some light snow after midnight tonight. Snow showers may linger for a few hours after daybreak tomorrow but skies are expected to clear as an area of high pressure builds in from the west but it will be cold and windy. Sunshine should continue Friday, Saturday and Sunday as this area of high pressure slowly crosses the Maritimes. Clouds begin to spread across the region on Monday ahead of a low pressure system and accompanying warm front warm front approaching from the west with some rain developing on Tuesday.

Precipitation… Few showers down east later this morning. Another separate area of rain spreads across the island from the west later this evening changing to snow after midnight then ending near dawn tomorrow. Rain on Tuesday.

Temperatures… Bit of a roller coaster this period. Above normal today then below normal tomorrow through Saturday. A couple days of above normal Sunday and Monday followed by  another cool spell beginning Tuesday. rain developing Tuesday light NE winds and variable winds expected Friday through Sunday under high pressure. NE winds develop on Monday.

Hazards… Wet driving conditions in any rain next 24 hours. Possible light film of snow on grassy surfaces by dawn tomorrow. Brisk-strong west winds tomorrow may be hazardous for any boaters on the water.

Watches/Warnings… None for PEI at this time.


  • Today… Cloudy, chance of showers down east, light SE winds, highs 11
  • Tonight… Cloudy, showers beginning mid evening changing to flurries after midnight and ending by dawn, brisk-strong west winds after midnight, lows -1
  • Tomorrow… Clearing in the morning, brisk-strong west winds diminishing in the afternoon, highs 3-5
  • Friday… Sunny, light NW winds, highs 6
  • Saturday… Sunny, very light north winds, highs 6-8
  • Sunday… Sunny, patchy high cloudiness, very light NE winds, highs 12
  • Monday… Sun and cloud, light NE winds, highs 11, cooler along the north shore.
  • Tuesday… Rain developing, light NE winds, highs 7
  • Wednesday… Rain, SE winds, highs 5

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